Review with Yash dedicated to passionate readers who loves to read books. Our mission to help readers to find there books they love and get more information about the books from it's reviews.


When I was in school, I discovered the king solomon's mines. Ever since, I've loved to read — both for fun and to improve my mind. And I'm always looking for the next great book.One afternoon while I was scanning a school bookshelf to read, it struck me: when I want to know what books to read, I'd rather turn to a friend than any random person or bestseller list.So I decided to build a website – a place where I could see my friends' bookshelves or school bookshelf and learn about what they thought of all their books. Review with Yash is a place where you can see what your friends are reading and vice versa. You can comment on each other's reviews. You can find your next favorite book. 

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